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Unsolicited original research articles are accepted by THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE (JFP) but should comply with the following recommendations:

• Topics should be of practical import to practicing primary care physicians.

• Manuscripts are accepted under the condition that the same or similar work has not been published, or accepted or submitted for publication, in whole or in part, in any medium.

• We require current affiliation, sponsorship, and full disclosure of potential conflict of interests of all authors and significant contributors to paper.

• Manuscripts should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations, which are available at www.icmje.org.

Abstract: No more than 250 words, structured as Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

Text: Length should be 1500-2500 words, exclusive of tables. Research articles should usually have the sections listed here; subheadings may be used to identify major content areas. In some circumstances, authors may deviate from this format.

• The introduction should clearly, concisely state the article's contribution within the context of prior work conducted by the authors or others, and relevant theory.

• Methods should be detailed enough to enable the study to be assessed for validity and trustworthiness. Please include a statement of approval by the appropriate human-subjects or animal-protection review boards, or an exemption/waiver.

• Results should detail the study's findings. Statistical results should include confidence intervals or exact P values, even for nonsignificant results.

• Discussion should interpret findings in the context of the study's strengths and limitations, prior knowledge, published literature, and implications for practice, policy, or future research.

Figures and Tables: Generally, limited to 2 to 5 tables or figures (additional tables and figures may be published as online exclusives)

References: Please use AMA style. Generally there is a limit of 30-40 references. If your article is accepted, you will be asked to provide, via email or Dropbox, PDFs of all references with the cited information highlighted.

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